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Casing 07-02-2017 11:06 AM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
Camping for more! :D

tofustick 07-02-2017 02:25 PM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
Ilock bro. Thanks for the update. Good story

Faluslow 07-02-2017 05:13 PM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
Very good story TS :)

CFMBigSpender 07-02-2017 05:47 PM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
Excellent story bro, please continue soon!!

DragonInn81 07-02-2017 05:50 PM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
Very nice story TS, waiting for continuation :)

thevilone 07-02-2017 07:22 PM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
love the story

Kandles 07-02-2017 08:52 PM

Re: My adventure as a hawker

Originally Posted by thevilone (Post 15606802)
love the story

Same here as well

UnfairPrice 07-02-2017 10:46 PM

Re: My adventure as a hawker

Originally Posted by CFMBigSpender (Post 15606523)
Excellent story bro, please continue soon!!

Very good story indeed!

Sgboi89 08-02-2017 12:23 AM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
More please!!

DanishCookies 08-02-2017 07:15 AM

Re: My adventure as a hawker

Originally Posted by Sgboi89 (Post 15607641)
More please!!

Yes please continue

WhitePaint 08-02-2017 08:38 AM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
Nice.... Camping for more...

Fakkah 08-02-2017 10:43 AM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
Camping here too

big wood 08-02-2017 10:48 AM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
power to the max:p:p

ilikeoldchangke 08-02-2017 04:38 PM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
I was visibly distressed when I left the bathroom shortly after Gabriel. Different scenarios ran through my head as I thought about what we had just done. I’m literally at the mercy of Gabriel.

If he tells on me and informs Terry I swiped his gift, I would get in a whole load of shit in front of everyone in the restaurant, and anyone can tell after that confrontation, I have a beef with Terry.

I tried my best to calm down and kept a straight face.

I’m not going to be holding onto the stupid dumb eggs that’s for sure.

Once I get an opportunity, I would dump it onto someone else. They can go pick up the mess after.

I got out into the restaurant and saw some commotion at the doorway.

The next to enter was King.

His entry was a lot more muted and normal. Just like the average uncle walking into a restaurant.

There was no fanfare of any sort and his guys knew exactly where to sit while King came up to say his birthday wishes.

Ben gave King a nod and I saw Terry did the same.

King acknowledges their nod with one of his own without a word and he continued walking towards grandma.

I did a mental note of what I saw.

So this 2 cannot get along, but they still respected King.

I was worried King would get some nice gold ornament too but I saw his hands were empty.

Good, at least there’s someone who came here empty handed.

I was about to snigger when King reached into his pocket and pulled up a package wrapped in brown paper. That was when I almost chuckled. The paper was crumpled and untidy. It was not even taped up properly.

I guess when you get to a certain age, presentation doesn’t really matter.

That crumpled wrapper would make my present look better; mine had a colourful wrapping with birthday stamped all over it.

3 seconds later the smile disappeared from my face when I saw King put 2 pieces of gold bar in front of grandmother. 100gm each. He did not even bother to wrap them up.

King : Ah Jee ( sis ) … happy birthday ah…

Grandma beamed brightly with a smile and tapped Kind’s hands.

King retreated to his seat and I could feel my palms starting to sweat.

Andy appeared out of nowhere from the back of the restaurant and I overhead him saying he was talking to the banquet manager and the chef.

He whispered something to Gabriel before joining a table with his staff .

Kate must have seen me drifting off and she removed her headphones and talked to me.

Kate : You ok ? What are you thinking about ??

Jake : er… nothing… nothing…

Kate : Tell me… what’s bothering you ??

I wanted to tell her about the golden eggs in my pocket but I stopped short of doing so.

I fumbled for an excuse as the entrance area got noisy again.

Jake : Oh… nothing.. I was thinking the entrance wasn’t really grand … you know…. Like those HK triad shows, when the bosses walk in…. got wind… got music and all…

Kate : You watch too much TV…

I was about to laugh when Kate took out her headphone and offered one side to me.

Jake : What is this for ?

Kate : Take it…. Maybe with this will have a little bit of mood.

I plugged the earpiece into my ear and looked at the doorway at the same moment and my eyes widened. My mouth opened and gasped for air. The hair at the back of my neck stood on it’s ends as my head took in the beat the moment Lucy stepped into the door.

Having some background music does make quite a bit of difference.

If you want to get the full experience, plug yourself in and go to youtube. It’s a Cantonese rap by 24 herb called ‘do you know me’ . I don’t really understand Cantonese but the beat and rhythm and the entrance of the other 3 elders just fell into place together.

Lucy’s entrance was a stark contrast to Uncle Ben’s swagger. She walked in with her head held high. I was immediately struck by how beautiful she looked in real life. Lucy bared her entire shoulder in a off shoulder blouse that displayed her ample cleavage. Her red blouse brought out the natural fairness of her smooth skin as it wraps around her tight and slim tummy.

A string of black pearls went around her neck like a choker and her lips, my god. Lucy had lush red lips that I would love to have it wrapped around my dick.
Paired with a pair of tight white pants and a pair of stylish boots low boots, Lucy looked as if she arrived at the restaurant on her horse. Her almost equestrian like dressing drew the stares of all the staff in the restaurant.

The beat of the music in my ears seemed to slow down everything in front of me as I took in Lucy’s grace and beauty.

Following close behind her is a company of 4 ladies. They’re presentable but I would not say they are hot. 2 more caught up at the back, slightly more presentable, more desirable I would say. Still, if I had to summarise, I would fuck all of them from a men’s point of view.

Wind appeared from out of nowhere and lifted Lucy’s fringes from her face as she flashed a bright smile.

I could feel my cock stir as I looked at her lush red lips.

I tore my eyes away from Lucy when I saw Roland enter.

It was like they timed their arrival together, one after another.

He’s pretty good looking I have to admit. Roland is well built, with a boyish face that screams mischief no matter how you look at it. He came with a few other guys with you can tell they are in the same league.

I’m pretty sure girls will find him attractive. I caught Kate’s gaze lingering a little too long on Roland before turning away. Even Tiffany was staring at Roland as he caught up to Lucy and they both hugged before kissing each other on the cheek.

Roland’s arms are sculpted; he works out that’s for sure and I can tell he even trims his eyebrows. He looks clean, presentable and definitely has the air of someone that is successful and confident.

Terry : Pok pok kay… pok pok kay… ( mimicking the sound of chicken, trying to imply they’re whores )

It was directed at Lucy but no one paid any attention to him as Terry laughed to himself when Lucy and her girls walked passed.

Then he did a childish act of covering his mouth and coughing when Roland and his men walked passed.

Terry : cough… ah gua….cough …. ah gua … ( ah gua = sissy )

I shook my head, really. How can people like Terry exist in this world. I looked at Terry with disdain and he really seemed to be enjoying himself.

Zero EQ.

Roland looked around the room while waiting for Lucy to greet grandma and saw me standing beside Kate. Our eyes met for a couple of seconds before he gave me a smile and a nod.

I returned it politely.

It was like he could pick out the new face inside the room immediately or perhaps it was because I was standing beside Kate and sharing a earpiece.

Lucy presented grandma with a gold sailboat the size of a small modem.

Lucy : Auntie , happy birthday to you…

She bent down a little to kiss grandma on her cheek and I could see her cleavage sucking me in. I noticed that Gabriel moved a little further away from Lucy when she came closed. Lucy looked at Gabriel for a couple of seconds before he acknowledged her and they smiled and shook hands awkwardly.

I can tell this 2 have a history.

Roland brought up his present and it was a pair of golden peaches sitting on a branch.

Terry saw that and made a comment.

Terry : hahaha… that’s where his lan par jee( testicles ) went la… haha

It was pretty loud.

ilikeoldchangke 08-02-2017 04:39 PM

Re: My adventure as a hawker
A few guys sniggered and if I was Roland, I would be offended but instead he just smiled.

He smiled as if it was beneath him to even talk to Terry.

Roland kissed grandma too and helped pass the present to Gabriel before doing a fist bump with him.

Roland : All good Gabe ?

Gabriel nodded with a smile.

Bringing up the rear, Matthew.

Matthew arrived with Ah Keong by his side together with the rest of the men they brought along. They took up the biggest space, occupying 3 tables.

Terry : Herh !... eat free food bring so many people… cheapskate.. .. site canteen the food not nice I think… haha…

Matthew is as well built as his son Ah Keong. He’s the only one that has tattoos visible running up the length of his arm right to the right side of his neck. A thick gold chain sat around his neck and he came in, stopped and looked around the restaurant before continuing towards grandma.

He seemed satisfied that he was the last to arrive and that everyone was waiting for him.

Matthew came up to grandma and said his birthday wishes before presenting her a gold figurine of a deity that symbolise longevity.

Matthew wore a permanent smile on his face, and you can tell it’s not a friendly one. It came with a visual warning if you could pick it up.

Loosely translated, it could pretty much summarise ‘ Don’t fuck with me “

He nodded at each of the elders at their respective table before heading back to his seat.

The door to the restaurant was closed and Kate nudged me over to her grandma.

I whispered to Kate that maybe I should give my present later on but she said it’s fine.

Kate : Just get it over and done with..

Kate : Ah ma… Jake also has something for you.

I could feel all the eyes in the restaurant staring at me and I was trying hard not to tremble.

Lucy craned her neck as she unfolded a small oriental fan, fanning herself as she smiled at me in a vixen like manner.

Roland stood up as I lifted the box I carried onto the table.

Matthew folded his arms and walked 2 steps closer.

Among all the boxes, mine is the largest.

Terry : KNN… your box so big…. Ostrich egg si bo ??

Kate looked away and I could see her trying to stop herself from talking back to Terry.

Matthew : who is he ??

Kate : He’s my boyfriend, Jake.

I could see the facial expression on Ah Keong’s face change a little when Kate said that. Over back at the coffee shop, I chatted quite a few times with Ah Keong but never once did I mention that Kate and I were in a relationship.

He had a look I could not describe. I can’t say it was disappointment or anything but perhaps it was anger.

Terry : Quickly open la !!! KNN… everyone is hungry… you want the whole world to wait for you to open your present is it..

Terry stood up and walked over, limping with a swagger as he came closed in an attempt to intimate me. Ben stood up and cut him off.

Ben : Why ? People box bigger than yours you not happy is it ?

Terry : No one’s talking to you …

Ben : People box big also not happy…. His lan par ( dick ) also bigger than yours..

Uncle Ben sniggered as Terry directed his anger towards me.

Terry : Show la…. Lai… show everyone your cock !...

Roland : Yeah…. Please do… hahaha…

Terry : Yah… yah…. Show Roland…. He loves cock… hahaa…

I turned and look at Roland who has a nonchalant look on his face as he replied Terry.

Roland : Yeah…. This is the very reason I can never love you Terry…. Hur… hur….

His table of guys laughed and Kate held back a snigger.

Terry looked like he was fuming and he came over in a huff.

Jake : Auntie. … happy birthday..

Before I could do anything, Terry pushed me away and tore at the wrapper like a mad men.

I’ve never seen someone so fucking rude. He ripped off the wrapping and opened the box, pulling out bubble wrap and a figurine.

Terry started laughing very loudly as my clay figurine I got from precious moments joined the rest of their presents at the table.

Terry : KNN…. People buy gold…. You buy ang kong ( cartoon characters ) ?? hahaha…. Kate… don’t find a cheapskate boyfriend la…. Wait people think he after your money…. Haha…

I could see Kate sucking in a deep breath and she was about to hit back when Gabriel took the present from me and thanked me.

Gabriel : Thanks Jake…. Don’t bother about him…. It’s the thought that counts…

Grandma thanked me for the present too and Gabriel told the kitchen to start serving lunch.

I took my seat at the table and I could immediately feel a few pairs of eyes on me.

Matthew, Roland, Lucy , all 3 of them glanced over while the 1st dish was served. It made me feel uneasy, and with the golden eggs in my pocket, it was like adding tinder to the flames.

As lunch was served, I saw a few guys walked over and wished grandma happy birthday too, some went to look at the gold presents on display. My heart thumped with every passing second.

Any moment now someone would probably notice the missing eggs from Terry’s next, maybe it would be one of his guys that noticed it.

I looked around and racked my head for an idea. I need to fucking get rid of it.

Then I noticed Suwen’s bag. Terry’s wife, yes, her bag that was hanging behind her chair. It was slightly opened. I could walk pass and drop it into the bag .

I just needed to make sure no one sees me doing it.

I looked around the other tables and saw Lucy smiling at me and I returned it awkwardly. Her table of girls had more bags of different sizes hanging and just sitting around. If I choose that table, I might stand a better chance.

Kate : Jake … you ok ? eat leh…

Jake : yah.. yah… I’m fine…

The food started piling up on my table as I checked out Roland’s group. No way, if I approach that table, I would surely draw their attention. I was about to consider Matthew and I saw him flex his arm to reach the food in the middle. The tattoo of the centipede seemed to come alive as it wriggled it’s legs and I quickly looked away.

Then an idea struck me.

The perfect idea.

I could just fucking drop the eggs back.

Walk over, pretend to look at the presents and with my back blocking the view of others, I’ll replaced it.

Jake : I need to go to the bathroom…

Kate : Orh..

I got up and calculated the number of steps to the table. Most of the people are busy eating and talking. I could pretend to adjust the presents and quickly return it.

I took the eggs in my palm and my heart almost stopped beating.

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