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Old 27-12-2019, 12:00 PM
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Re: Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread

December 2020 Batam trip.

I have been encouraging anyone and everyone who 1st visit Batam who planned to cheong (aka monger) to take the journey of walking Utama Hotel's block ONE ROUND. And i categorize that part as Area A. Its been a long while since i walk the talk,hehehe...walking Utama Hotel block ONE ROUND.

So i started from the back door of Utama Hotel in the early wee hour of the morning after the rain subside. Still raining but well...just not as heavy as the days before.

Out from Utama 1st massage shop i see is Kupukupu Massage which is also a booking joint.

In the same roll of pavement (block) of Kupukupu, there's this Sakura Massage...

Further down when i walk to Hotel 18, i see Princess Massage.

Do note that at this point, i have ONLY been walking out of Utama Hotel back door for 15 secs when i see the above 3 massage shops.

As the block of Utama Hotel is so huge, i kept walking and see...

The 8 other massage shops shown above were all around Utama Hotel after another 5 mins walk. This is only after i walked 5 mins to the left side of Utama Hotel back door.

Upon walking towards DC Mall, i saw another 3 massage shops. Which was all directly opposite DC Mall's back door.

There is still Bunga which is also opposite back door of DC Mall in the same almost same lane as the above 3 shops, and yes, i deliberately give this Batam's MOST EXPENSIVE booking a miss.

Following this walk through i wrote 2 years ago, i found Sri Kandy Massage (a booking joint).

(this photo walkthrough below was written in 2017 January)

End of photo walkthrough.

This is what Sri Kandy looks like today... (no change)

Walking from the same pavement forward (30 secs walk)...i can see Princess Massage. And do note that there are 2 Princess massage in Utama area, one is almost directly behind Utama Hotel back door which is shown on photo way up. This one below is a booking joint.

Keep walking downward (another about 30 secs), i see Tween Golan Massage...i think its new and is the one that replaced Indah2.

Keep walking forward for another about 45 secs, i saw MM Massage.

At this point, i learned that MM massage is actually just behind behind Happy 8 Massage,hehehe...remember, its behind behind, NOT behind. Meaning i need to reach Baba Street food court at Nagoya City Walk, walk across to Happy 8 massage, then walk behind the block and then walk behind the opposite block to get to MM Massage.

I was too lazy to walk to Happy 8 as its about 5 to 7 mins walk, hence i decide to turn to the next block away from Happy 8 distance and i found Havana.

So this is a total of 20 massage shops shown above (yes, i counted), all within the distance of "walking Utama Hotel block" ONE ROUND. And note that i didnt count in Happy 8 nor Bunga as they were quite a distance away (about 10 mins or so walk). There is also another massage shop in this area which i missed becos i saw it on my way out from my taxi. Cant remember the name but will update again once my memories catches up. In other word, there should technically be 21 massage shops just by walking Utama Hotel Block ONE ROUND (fact is,there should be more than 21 massage shops in this area alone).

(note : i didnt add the in-house massage shop inside Utama Hotel)

The ONE ROUND Utama Hotel walk took me about 30 mins and if i include the photo shoot of the above photos, i took me no less than an hour to return back to my room (in Utama hotel). It was still drizzling hence i am at lower than normal speed walking along the 5 foot-way aka block pavement to keep myself as sheltered away from the rain as possible.

I also manage to walk to Newton (where there is a discotheque) and there happens to be another massage shop.

The Peace Massage shop,hehehe...what a name. And again, i didnt count in this shop in the 21 massage shops circling Utama Hotel Block's radius, due to it distance.

So many massage shops (and a few booking joints) around Utama Hotel block area, how many have you tried? Or i should even ask myself, how many of them have i tried,hehehe...and i tell myself, i only have 1 dick, how to try them all? And i dont have the habit to try them only once or twice but more towards dwelling in them.

So i am sending this EXTRA message out here NOT to samster nor SBF readers but to the AQ. Send me an FR on one of the 21 massage shops (20 or 22, whatever you wish to call it), and i will give you one Legion Token, hehehe...this event will close on 31st March 2020.

Name of event : Utama Area A Walkathon.

* This post is NOT quote-locked (due to its amount of key information). And its a compilation of my collected information on Dec 2019 trip. Please DO NOT quote the whole post if you are replying to this post, dont even quote 1/4 of it. Better still, do not quote at all. Thank you.

Just sharing my findings and compiling up the key information.

Wish everyone reading here, a Happy New Year 2020 ahead.

Enjoy Batam.


This post is in conjunction with my other 3 parts series of my December Batam trip :

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

Part 3 :


Basic Batam Info in One Link

Avoid quoting the whole post if you are replying to me in the thread


My December 2019 Batam Trip Info