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Old 01-04-2024, 05:36 AM
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Re: Rip for our fallen comrade, idleofthemarch

And yet I still survived.

Not just survived. Made a new life. Not fully complete yet, but at least the foundations are laid.

The AS pieces I wrote for them are just the tip of the iceberg for my new life. Not sure when if ever I will come back to SG, and even if I do it'll just be for family visits and short holidays and then I'm gone again.

"Fallen comrade"? AGC tried to put me in prison the long way around by giving me a fine for porn possession that is not only the heaviest in SG history without also having a concurrent jail term, but also out of the assumption that I'm poor/my family is poor, so if I cannot afford the fine I go to prison by default.

The DPP of my case was admitting to my lawyer in Dec 2021 that even after all the other 3 guys who were admins of the 3 SBF Telegram groups the four of us were in were already convicted and sentenced, he was getting orders from upstairs to go slow on my case and adjourn for a few more months because they wanted to see if they can add on extra charges of distribution to my possession charges. BTW none of this I am saying here is new info. Asia Sentinel wrote about all this in their article on what happened to me.

Possession can only ask for fine unless it's aggravated by stuff like underaged or illegal leaked/revenge porn. Distribution bottomline straight away is go prison.

And look who assumed wrongly. Am I still sore about the fine? Yes. I would have preferred to just go to jail out of principle and as a protest move, but my parents stopped me from doing so and said to think of it as paying ransom.

In lighter moments I tell myself that 42k is belated payment for all the free porn I've been watching and keeping saved since I discovered them when I was 15. In darker moments I reflect on how ridiculous it is for SG to fine me 42k for porn possession, a sum that's even higher than my Masters' degree cost at a reputable UK university after my saga ended.

Some accounts in here reached out to me after the Asia Sentinel POFMA news broke regarding the article they wrote about me. They've since gone dead/dormant so I can only assume that they purposely made those accounts to reach out to me/hope that I'd reach out to them privately. I know I have support and empathy from people within the right circles. Whoever they are, thank you for what we discussed.

For those of you jokers on here who are also from/in EDMW, fuck the lot of you, don't think I've never kept track of all the shit you all still stir about me from time to time in that cesspool (I still have eyes and ears in there even if I don't go in and look for myself).

Apparently I've been living in some of your heads rent-free for 2 years and counting (in this time I've already left for the UK, studied my Masters, graduated with a 2:1 again) when some of you EDMW fucks were commenting on an ex-con's AMA thread (dude was jailed for videotaping his female friends showering apparently) asking him if he was ME. I'm glad your EDMW cesspool is now truly beginning to slide into irrelevance and fall into pieces with tighter and tighter censorship from SPH. All your trolling clone accounts get banned until you have to start bringing out all your "2000s" original accounts just to stay active in the mud. Now your useless mod puppets are coming out literally saying that they will be the sole arbiters of defining and enforcing what is in their words the "light hearted EDMW culture" which is nothing but toxicity and crab-mentality hatred by all you useless BBFA fucks forever spending time online there, and will in future remove anybody they deem as unable to conform to said culture from the forum permanently. Cheered on my falling from grace in SG last time very loudly right? Now eat the same kind of blanket censorship and narrative control I suffered myself back in July 2021.

Finally, for the boys in blue who trawl this forum for intel and end up seeing this post, please stop stalking my LinkedIn month in and month out. Don't think I don't notice anything just because you hide your name and identity on LinkedIn: LinkedIn will still tell me what job title you hold in what company, and it's fucking obvious to me when I see every month on my profile views list people who are "Engineers" in "Home Team Science & Technology Agency" aka HTX, or legal staff from Allen&Gledhill, Drew&Napier etc, all those big law firms in SG that are closely linked with the PAP.

Even when Asia Sentinel called SG's bluff on POFMA and took the geoblocking order on the chin, the IMDA executive director was coming onto LinkedIn to stalk my profile after I shared that article to my followers and connections there. Cannot be after I'm made such a national pariah and mockery from July 2021 to April 2022, suddenly I'm now a person of positive interest for the ruling elite establishment in SG right?

You lot killed my life in SG with 20-month delayed charges/accusations of porn possession/distribution that even the IO who took over and was the one in charge when I finally had to go to Tanglin and sign my charge sheets said to my lawyer that 1)my case shouldn't have dragged so long for something so trivial, and 2)my case should not even have gone to court in the first place as a first time offender. Over pure salt and spite that not only did I write something that was reputationally damaging to SG in a reputable international news outlet, but that a total NOBODY like me who isn't a highly-qualified academic, member of industry, a high-ranking civil servant, or even a politician could have managed to attract Nikkei's attention to republish what was originally just my own LinkedIn post. How hard you lot tried to kill me with how feeble your options were available then (really? Criminal charges of a morality nature conveniently slapped on someone who wrote a piece on vice in SG, oh wow how surprising you trying to paint me as a hypocrite!) is a reflection of just how scared even for a moment you lot were. And now you lot still want to find out how I'm doing overseas or what am I saying/writing that can potentially be sue-able in an SG court? What you all cannot control, you just want to smear and destroy.

An irony too because when I was growing up I was like all Singaporean kids: blindly and faithfully trusting in the PAP being the only ones that knew how to run and lead the country. After what happened to me, all I can say is whilst I denounce traitorous people like Dickson Yeo spying for China in the US despite being a Singaporean, I can totally understand why people like him in supposedly "elite" local uni faculties can be recruited without resorting to bribing with money. Because the ruling elite in Singapore make it easy for Singaporeans to hate Singapore, with vindictive petty leaders living in oversized landed property who won't blink an eyelid at ordering anyone they deem a political threat or opposition to have their names and lives destroyed with any means available.

I know you all have a dossier on me since July 2021. I know most likely your bosses up on top in white shirts are pissed off at the dirty laundry I've been washing about Singapore on Asia Sentinel ever since they got POFMA-ed. I also know other things but I won't openly say them. Let's just say I know what kind of dirty tricks are being attempted against me after your bosses belatedly realised what a strategic mistake they made wasting their one POFMA chance on Asia Sentinel and then actually going ahead to block it from anybody using SG ISPs without VPNs.

Bottomline? "And still I rise." - Maya Angelou.

Who dares to say they never had a sordid, less-than-glamorous past when they were younger, reckless, and didn't know better? Yet SG society is the collective master at throwing stones in glass houses, where past reputation matters more than present and future, where Sinkie must pwn Sinkie otherwise at night all cannot sleep.

I give you all this 1x wall of text damage max crit 100, and this is the last word I'll have on this. Knowing you lot, you'll claim "too long didn't read", but you'll read it all nonetheless.
When things happen, you will know it is me.

The Lannisters Send Their Regards.

Last edited by TheIdesOfMarch; 01-04-2024 at 05:58 AM.