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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
Riotous, disorderly or indecent behaviour in, or in the immediate vicinity of, certain places
20. Any person who is found guilty of any riotous, disorderly or indecent behaviour in any public road or in any public place or place of public amusement or resort, or in the immediate vicinity of, or in, any court, public office, police station or place of worship, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months. |
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
Word or gesture intended to insult the modesty of a woman.
509. Whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen by such woman, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both |
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
Misconduct in public by a drunken person.
510. Whoever, in a state of intoxication, appears in any public place, or in any place which it is a trespass in him to enter, and there conducts himself in such a manner as to cause annoyance to any person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 10 days, or with fine which may extend to $10, or with both. |
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
All.. please be inform that if u dislike a certain individual in the forum ....u can chose not to see his postings.... just put him in the ignore ignore list...
how to do it??? 1. click on the users nick. 2. click on view public profile. 3. look for "Add xxxusername to Your Ignore List " 4. add that person to your ignore list and it is done... see example. ![]() ![]() |
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
All Acronyms used in the forum can be found here.. http://www.sammyboy.com/forumfaq.html example.. HC = Health Centre which is what they call massage parlours in Singapore. Sex at health centres is illegal and you fuck at your own risk there. I do not endorse having commercial sex in the health centres. However, there is little point in my trying to keep health centre fucking under wraps as it is so rampant. I therefore allow its inclusion in my forum with the usual caveat emptor. GL = This stands for Geylang which is an area in Singapore designated as a red light district where prostitution is legal. This is the upmarket red light district. (prices Sing$40 ~ Sing$200) (current [July 99] exchange rate is approx 1.6~1.7Sing$ to 1 US$.) |
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
oral sex can be classified a sexual act in which one's mouth is used on another's genitals....usually a stimulant [foreplay] sometime a afterplay....
and whether oral sex is legal under sg law.. http://www.lawgazette.com.sg/2004-9/Sep04-feature2.htm Fellatio/oral sex There appears to be a linguistic struggle to include fellatio within the scope of s 377. The law was clarified in two cases. In the Singapore High Court case of PP v Tan Kuan Meng,41 Justice Lai, after citing Indian cases,42 held that fellatio ‘between a man and a woman as a lustful substitute for and not a prelude to and enhancement for natural sex between them is carnal intercourse against the order of nature’. The Singapore Court of Appeal affirmed this decision in PP v Kwan Kwong Weng,43 holding that ‘when couples engaged in consensual sexual intercourse willingly indulge in fellatio and cunnilingus as a stimulant [foreplay]44 to their respective sexual urges, neither act can be considered to be against the order of nature. In every other instance the act ... will be ... punishable’. basically in layman term... it says... if No sexual intercourse after oral sex.. then it is against the law..can be classified under unnatural sex...... if got sexual intercourse after oral/fellatio sex then it might not be against the law. for more info goto the link i provided above.. |
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
[QUOTE=Big Sexy]Sale of obscene books, etc.
292. Whoever — (a) sells, lets to hire, distributes, publicly exhibits or in any manner puts into circulation, or for purposes of sale, hire, distribution, public exhibition or circulation, makes, produces, or has in his possession any obscene book, pamphlet, paper, drawing, painting, representation or figure, or any other obscene object whatsoever; ===== Good day Bro Big Sexy. So am i right to say that those who hv posted Pics or movie clips here will also be charged under these law. Even what we posed are softcopies? .... |
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
bro.. the answer can be found in this thread
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
Hey guys I was wondering if any of you could advise on this grey issue. We all know that sex with a girl under 16 will create unreasonably harsh consequences but what if the girl is above 16 and the guy is below 16?
Will the law turn a blind eye to this? My 13 year old cousin(believe it or not) got involved in a sexual relationship with a 17 year old through chatline acquaintance. On top of that, he with his brother(19) have even hired prostitutes from desker road. He's from my dad's side of the family and that side has a lot of problems so I really pity him and try not to look down on him. So will or can the 17 year old girl be charged? Will the desker road whores be liable for prosecution in anyway? Is it safe to say, my underaged cousin is quite safe from prosecution as he is in the one under 16 in this case? |
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
1. read post 40 and the first link provided.
2. the WL in desker is unwilling to be prosecuted if the boy is the one who patronise them... 3. YES. Quote:
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
of course i meant.. unlikely...
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Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
So just to confirm, its a legal loophole that is pretty uncharted(in terms of prosecution) for my cousin(13) to patronize a desker road hooker?
It is meant to say, if caught by anyone, the desker road hooker will be let off(with the understanding, she has to service almost anyone with cash) and my cousin is not breaking any laws himself by choosing to patronize her? |
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
1. did u read post 40 like i suggested??? MINOR doesnt refer to just girls..
2. loopholes are loopholes and there is no "LEGAL" loophole.... 3. r u right that WL has to service almost anyone with cash.. BUT NOT everyone. the law isnt just white and black.. neither is it very often a straight yes or no.. it involves alot of other issues.. that is why u need to engage(pay) a lawyer. ![]() Quote:
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
hey bro.. got one question here.. wad if a guy of age. above 16 got involved in a heavy petting session wif an underage gal (14), without sexual intercourse and oral sex.. but the gal is voluntarily haf petting session wif him one.. if the gal pull in on him, will he kana charge for anything?
the way to life is thru lots of fcuking! |
Re: Sg law on sex related isuue and and some of the most asked questions in the forum
hmm.. heavy petting to what degree???..... was there any sexual moment involved.. e.g inserting of finger(s) to vaginal or asshole etc)??
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